The sample prayer that Jesus gave His disciples in Matthew 6:9-13 also includes the phrase “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”. According to William MacDonald, “This petition expresses a healthy distrust of one’s own ability to resist temptations or to stand up under trial” (Believer’s Bible Commentary – New Testament. Wichita, Kansas: A&O Press, 1989. p. 40). Jesus warned His disciples to “Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is…..
The Rest of the Christmas Story
When we think of priests, we generally have in mind either a cassocked representative of the Catholic Church or a Sunday school picture of priests overseeing daily sacrifices in the Old Testament Tabernacle. But we, as Christians, are also called priests (and kings) according to Revelation. 1:5b-6: “Unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and has made us kings and priests unto God and His Father;…..
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!