More Than Comforter, Part 4
As a teenager, I struggled with the concept of knowing the will of God. Should I become a doctor, a lawyer, a nurse, a detective? Is it God’s will for me to go on a short-term evangelical mission to France or not? Who will I marry? When we talk about the will of God, we generally think in terms of three sources to…..
More Than Comforter, Part 3
The Holy Spirit is called the Comforter in Scripture, but the Greek word that is used, paracletus, is also translated Helper and Teacher. Two weeks ago we looked at the Holy Spirit as coming in place of the physical Christ to be there as Comforter, Helper, and Teacher for the disciples and for believers since then. Last week we looked at the function…..
More Than Comforter, Part 2
During and after His last Passover supper, Jesus gave His disciples instructions regarding His upcoming absence from them. As written in John 13-17, He spoke for their comfort and about the Holy Spirit who would come in Jesus’ absence. The presence of the Holy Spirit in each Christian is assurance of our salvation:
“And I will pray the Father and He…..
More Than Comforter, Part 1
During and after His last Passover supper, Jesus gave His final instructions to His disciples. They are recorded in detail in John 13-17 and are just as pertinent to our individual walk with God as they were some two thousand years ago at the end of Jesus’ ministry on earth. They include information about the function of the Holy Spirit in the…..