Trust and Obey
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusts in thee. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength” (Is. 26:3-4).
These verses state a reverse continuum that is the very basis of our salvation in Jesus Christ. It starts with God’s everlasting strength, more than enough reason to believe and trust God for the salvation offered through our Lord Jesus Christ. In its…..
Jacob’s Prayer
Many times circumstances have brought me to my knees before God, especially recently. And the prayers that I pray sound a lot like Jacob’s prayer in Genesis 32:9-12.
Having left his understandably hostile brother some twenty years before, Jacob was fearful for his safety, along with the safety of his family, livestock, goods, and servants, as he approached his father’s home. Having been told that his brother, Esau, was coming to meet him with four hundred men, he…..
The Story of Esau and Jacob
There are lessons to be learned in today’s Church from the dysfunctional family of Isaac and Rebekah. Isaac’s story is found in Genesis 21 – 35. While he was growing up, his father and mother had instilled in him his part of the Abrahamic Covenant confirmed and the prophecy spoken to Abraham by God. And yet Isaac and his wife somehow missed the opportunities to pass this heritage on to their own sons, the…..
The Los Angeles Patriots
No, this devotional is not about a new sports team in Southern California! A report, with drone video confirmation, is making the rounds of the internet that, just last weekend on July 4, 2020, “Los Angeles Banned Fireworks So Patriots Fired Them Off Illegally All Across The City!” In the face of government mandates against any kind of Fourth of July celebration modes, many people in Los Angeles reportedly exercised their First Amendment rights by having…..
Watch and Pray
While Jesus sat with His disciples on the Mount of Olives to the East of Jerusalem, they asked Him when the things He had been talking about would come to pass and how they would know when the prophecies were fulfilled. Mark 13 describes his teachings on this occasion, showing Jesus to be well versed in and effectively using Scripture, and speaking unreservedly in terms of Old Testament imagery. He ends His dissertation with multiple admonitions to…..
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!