Job Meets God
We are coming up on four years of our own Job experience in which we have experienced one after another personal catastrophic events, primarily medical. However, we have not lost all possessions and family, as Job did, and the winter of 2020 for us, considered a very bad year by most, gave us a short cessation of medical issues until COVID hit each of us…..
In Psalm 139:23-24, David opens his heart to God’s view in a way that reveals the deepest intent of his heart: “Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. See if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.” Does God need our permission to search our hearts and reveal what needs to be cleansed?
God sees…..
Dan and I frequently share a laugh with pertinent one-liners from movies and TV series. Perhaps you will recognize the movie sources of some of them:
Grandpa, they’re kissing again. He’s dead, Jim. Ricky Ricardo was Cuban. Try not. Do or do not.
These quips are, I am sure, recognizable to my generation and our kids. While we have a lot of fun with movie one-liners, I wonder…..
What do the women of the Bible named Rahab and Ruth have in common? They are Gentile women listed in the otherwise Jewish genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1). In biblical terms, there are only two people groups: Jews and Gentiles (meaning everyone who is not a Jew).
Rahab was the woman who hid the two Hebrew spies when they came to Jericho. Typically understood to be a prostitute,…..