End Times Technology
In light of recent events in the Middle East, biblical end-time prophetic information becomes more and more possible. Not everything that is prophesied in Scripture is in place yet. But when I was a child learning about prophecy for the first time, most of the events talked about seemed implausible primarily because of the undeveloped status of technology at the time.
During the 1950s and…..
One of my favorite contemporary praise songs is called “Who You Say I Am”. It begins with the question “Who am I that the Highest King would welcome me?”
New Testament Christians are not the only ones to be humbled and awed by this question. While preparing to build the Temple in Jerusalem, Solomon asks, “But who is able to build Him a house, seeing the Heaven and…..
While leafing through an old hymnbook, I came across a favorite hymn that I had not sung for years. “Moment by Moment” (Words by May Whittle Moody 1870-1963, tune by Daniel W. Whittle 1840-1901) effectively expresses our Biblical hope in God’s Son. Here are the words:
While the lilting tune is…..
As Dan’s caregiver fifteen years ago, I found dealing with insurance companies among the most difficult activities related to cancer that I had to do. I spent a great deal of time, sometimes more than an hour, on the phone waiting for agents to answer so I could ask my questions. I usually ended up on hold, as well, waiting for the supervisor to be asked the question……