As Dan’s caregiver fifteen years ago, I found dealing with insurance companies among the most difficult activities related to cancer that I had to do. I spent a great deal of time, sometimes more than an hour, on the phone waiting for agents to answer so I could ask my questions. I usually ended up on hold, as well, waiting for the supervisor to be asked the question. Some of my calls were eventually transferred to the supervisor after a…..
The Problem with Wood
On November 1, 1918, a Brooklyn Rapid Transit subway train derailed and crashed into the Maldone Street Tunnel entrance killing more than a hundred people and injuring some 250 others. More than a hundred years later, it is still touted as the deadliest subway crash in New York City and ranks among the worst train accidents in the United States. Culpability factors cited concerning the crash include an untrained and inexperienced motorman who was a substitute…..
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!